
Friday, December 17, 2004

November 22: Travis - 12 Memories 

Some bands shouldn't go political. Take Travis, for example. Travis are a very good Scottish band who had some small hits over here and some really huge hits in the UK. They're a nice, light, acoustic group who write good pop songs. Well, after their last album, their drummer broke his neck diving into a shallow pool in France and was nearly paralyzed. As a result, the band had a lot of downtime, and lead singer/songwriter Fran Healy apparently used all that time to watch the news. So is one of those dark, gloomy post-Sept. 11 albums that we were all pretty sick of by the time it came out in fall 2003. I don't care about some Scottish dude's opinion of the Iraq war, or the British government, or Sept. 11, or domestic violence. There is only one song on here that's even close to Travis' previous output, "Love Will Come Through," which is probably why there's a Travis greatest hits out this Christmas. This album's a career-killer, and with the greatest hits coming out, I may just have to sell it.

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