
Friday, September 17, 2004

September 12: Our Lady Peace - Spiritual Machines 

I was really into this album when it first came out, in 2000. It's kind of a concept record, having to do with robots who develop souls, and there are several spoken-word intros by author Ray Kurzweil, who has apparently written a great deal on this subject.
Listening to it again, though, there are definitely some weak spots. I still think "Life" is probably the best Our Lady peace song ever, and "Right Behind You," "In Repair," and "Are You Sad?" are all really good, but the rest is a bit mediocre. For all you trivia buffs, Matt Cameron of Soundgarden and Pearl Jam fame plays drums on "Right Behind You" and "Are You Sad?" after Jeremy Taggart got hurt during recording.

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