
Tuesday, August 17, 2004

August 13: EMF - Schubert Dip 

OK, raise your hands if you own this one. No, you looking at the computer screen... that's right, you. Raise your hand, too. I know you have this.
Not much to say about EMF (Epsom Mad Funkers, not Ecstacy Mother Fu¢ker$, by the way) except there's a reason they're one-hit wonders: all the other songs have pretty much the exact same beat. But "Unbelievable," that's a heck of a song.
Anybody else remember when EMF and Jesus Jones were supposed to be leading the Third British Invasion, which was pretty much blown away six months later by Nirvana? Anybody?
I'll say this: there are a lot fewer copies of this album in your average used-CD store than there are Jesus Jones. Don't exactly know why that would be.

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