
Tuesday, August 17, 2004

August 11: Toadies - Rubberneck 

Before we start, were they THE Toadies, or just Toadies? I never figured out which it was...

This album went platinum, and based on my friends, I think every single copy was sold in Texas and Oklahoma. People I knew from elsewhere in the country barely even knew who the Toadies were. Every song on here is a little bit creepy, if you take a step back and think about it; all the characters are stalkers, or murderers, or bizarre religious zealots who hate themselves. But that's cool, too.
I think my little sister stole my Toadies concert t-shirt one summer when I was home from college. For all I know, she still has it.

I was watching VH-1 Classic's "The Alternative" about a week or two ago, and the video for "Possum Kingdom" came on. I think that's the name of the song...it was the one Toadies song everybody knew, the one Matt Crumb just wouldn't shut up about.

Odd video--I think it mostly had people playing in a steam somewhere, with shots of the band playing in between. Nice bit of nostalgia, though.
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