
Thursday, July 22, 2004

July 22: Superdrag - Last Call for Vitriol 

One of the worst kind of CDs... the one where the band is slowly (and obviously) running out of ideas.
Superdrag put out two CDs on Elektra (the second, Head Trip in Every Key, is one of my favorites of all time), then got dropped and put out two more CDs on an indie (with a slightly different lineup). This one is their fourth and final CD, as they "went on hiatus" about a year ago, shortly after I saw them at the Green Door. The third CD was pretty good, but this one is just rehashed riffs from old songs with yawn-inducing vocals.
It's hard not to read things into this CD while you listen to it: is the band disillusioned? Do they realize their career is slowly grinding to a halt? Do they realize they're never going to write another "Sucked Out the Feeling"? These are things I'll still be wondering as I take this one down to Hastings next week to sell it back.

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