
Friday, July 16, 2004

July 15: Agents of Good Roots - One by One 

Found a small stack of CDs at the bottom of a box in my closet today. I thinkI bought 'em all for like $1 each at a Wherehouse Music a couple of yearsago, and they're all candidates for the game that's sweeping the nation:Keep or Sell?

Anyway, Agents of Good Roots were the also-rans in Virginia behind DaveMatthews Band; they even have a sax player! The album's OK, nothing special,just rock songs with some jazz and funk undertones. Then it gets to the lastsong, "I'll Be Back," which is good. No, wait... after I listened to it again,it's great. And on the third listen, it's brilliant. A classic. So this one'sa keeper.

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