
Monday, June 07, 2004

June 6: Weezer - (self-titled) 

I had intended to start my keep-or-sell batch of CDs today, but then I ended spending an extra day helping Kit move, so I had to go with whatever was in the car. And it was the Weez.
And really, what can you say about Weezer that hasn't already been said? That every song on this album is awesome? That the "blue album" is a classic? That hearing these songs watered-down on the "green album" and Maladroit in a desperate attempt to regain their fanbase just makes this first album better?
Will this be up there with Led Zeppelin IV or Van Halen's 1984 in 20 years? Who knows? But on a warm Sunday in June in Texas, it was a mighty fine listen.

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