Sunday, March 21, 2004
March 21: Catherine Wheel - Like Cats and Dogs
Home country: England
Oh man, I forgot all about Catherine Wheel until I dug this out of the nether reaches of my collection earlier this week. I love Catherine Wheel; why do I only own this one CD, which is a collection of B-sides from their European singles? I need to buy some more Catherine Wheel CDs. By the way, this has the best cover of "Wish You Were Here" ever. An argument could be made that it's better than the Pink Floyd version.
In case anybody cares, Catherine Wheel formed in the very early '90s and are the most successful band (in the U.S., anyway) to ever come out of the British "shoegazer" movement, which also included My Bloody Valentine, Swervedriver, Ride, etc. In the '90s, they toured with the Smashing Pumpkins, INXS, Everclear, Belly, Live, and more. You might remember their '95 hits "Waydown" and "Judy Staring at the Sun," which was a duet with Tanya Donelly of Belly. If you listened to KSPI in 1995, you've heard those two songs. Trust me. Find 'em on Kazaa if you don't believe me.
Oh man, I forgot all about Catherine Wheel until I dug this out of the nether reaches of my collection earlier this week. I love Catherine Wheel; why do I only own this one CD, which is a collection of B-sides from their European singles? I need to buy some more Catherine Wheel CDs. By the way, this has the best cover of "Wish You Were Here" ever. An argument could be made that it's better than the Pink Floyd version.
In case anybody cares, Catherine Wheel formed in the very early '90s and are the most successful band (in the U.S., anyway) to ever come out of the British "shoegazer" movement, which also included My Bloody Valentine, Swervedriver, Ride, etc. In the '90s, they toured with the Smashing Pumpkins, INXS, Everclear, Belly, Live, and more. You might remember their '95 hits "Waydown" and "Judy Staring at the Sun," which was a duet with Tanya Donelly of Belly. If you listened to KSPI in 1995, you've heard those two songs. Trust me. Find 'em on Kazaa if you don't believe me.
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