
Monday, March 01, 2004

February 27: Rooney - (self-titled) 

I'm sorry, I just don't like this CD, no matter how hard I try. I first heard of Rooney last summer, when Jordan (12p's late, lamented singer) played us the CD and talked about how into the band he was. I liked the snippets I heard, so I got the CD, and... nothing. I didn't hate it, but I certainly didn't like it. So I dropped it on the pile, and got on with my life.
Picked it back up today after hearing that Rooney quadrupled their album sales simply by appearing on one episode of the Fox soap opera The O.C. Thought I'd hear what all the fuss was about. And... still nothing. This is the most aggressively mediocre album in years. They're blatantly imitating Phantom Planet and the Strokes (and indirectly imitating Weezer), but they're not as good as any of those bands, and their songs certainly aren't as catchy. Honestly, the band probably wouldn't have gotten anywhere if the lead singer wasn't the little brother of Jason Schwartzman (you know, the drummer from Phantom Planet and that kid from Rushmore). Maybe you need to be a 15-year-old girl to get this. Matt, you're a 15-year-old girl... what do you think?

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