
Sunday, February 08, 2004

February 7: Fretblanket - Home Truths from Abroad 

OK, who here remembers Twelve Angry Viewers, this show that was on MTV in the fall of '97? Essentially, they showed four or five new videos to a "jury" each day, and the jury picked the best. Then the best ones from Monday-Thursday would come back Friday and the best video that day would be in heavy rotation for a week. My roommate Jeff and I watched this RELIGIOUSLY, as I recall, but like everything good MTV puts on, it quickly got yanked off the air. The reason, I think, was that new videos by established artists that were generic got voted down while new, innovative videos from unknowns got voted on. It was video democracy, but we can't have that at MTV, can we? We have to get spoon-fed 45 Hype Williams videos a day and watch what they tell us is cool. When they show videos, which is only like two hours a day now.
But I digress; Fretblanket's "Into the Ocean" was one of the early winners on Twelve Angry Viewers (along with Goldfinger's "This Lonely Place" - that video was awesome! Matt, do you have that CD?) and a couple of years later I found this CD in a used shop for cheap. After "Into the Ocean," it gets a little weak, but most of the songs are fairly good, the cover has a nice neon-yellow and blue motif, and I like the production. They probably would have gotten bigger if the lead singer hadn't sounded almost exactly like Gavin Rossdale of Bush.

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